
Russian 17 Stories Training 01 – Welcome
Welcome to the 17 Stories training course! Each of the following videos explains the key parts of the 17 Stories program step-by-step. This video gives an introduction to the 17 Stories training…

Russian 17 Stories Training 02 – Value of Children
Children are important to God. This video highlights what the Bible has to say about children and the need to share God’s Word with them.

Russian 17 Stories Training 03 – Program Overview
Description of the 17 Stories Course including program goals, teaching preparations, and scheduling considerations.

Russian 17 Stories Training 04 – Teacher's Manual
An explanation of the 17 Stories Teacher's Manual. It highlights the different sections of the manual and how to effectively implement the lesson elements.

Russian 17 Stories Training 05 – Card Set
Description of the 17 Stories card set including tips on how to effectively use them. It is also a good resource in introducing the 17 Stories program to others.

Russian 17 Stories Training 06 – God's Big Story
From creation to today, God deeply desires to have a relationship with us. This video highlights the key stories represented in God's Big Story (the picture on the back of the card set-the 17th…

Russian 17 Stories Training 07 – Hand Motions
Hand motions are a fun way to remember stories. This video includes hand motions and short phrases to help remember the 16 stories that make up the 17 Stories card set.

Russian 17 Stories Training 08 – Storytelling Tips
Everyone loves a good story. This video highlights a few key ways to make the story come alive for the children and how to involve them in telling the story.

Russian 17 Stories Training 09 – Complete Lesson Demonstration
This video observes a 17 Stories lesson conducted in Uganda. Teacher Doreen goes through each aspect of a lesson following the teacher's manual and adds a few of her own favorite activities. Use this…

Russian 17 Stories Training 10 – Teacher Interview
Hear from an experienced 17 Stories teacher with tips on how to use the programme and what to expect from your students.