In 2004, a OneHope team traveled to Ghana on an important mission – to deliver the Book of Hope to a 7th grade girl named Delasi. She was the 250 millionth child to receive God’s Word through the ministry of OneHope. In 2008, we went to visit Delasi and find out the impact the Book of Hope had on her life over the past four years. Delasi said she remembered the chapter about self-esteem in her Book of Hope. It taught her about having a positive self-image and to have confidence. “If I could say one thing to all of the people in the world,” Delasi said, “what I would say is that no matter what situation you are going through, no matter what problems you have, they should never lose hope. Because I believe in Jesus Christ as our creator, and I believe in His supreme ability to solve and overcome whatever problems you have.” “I think it is very important to continue giving the Book of Hope out to children in Ghana, Africa, and the whole world. Because it has really changed a lot of lives. It has given people a positive outlook in life. It has done a lot for me. It has done a lot for my friends, and I believe that book will continue to give a lot of hope and help children all around the world develop the kind of person they want to be in the future.” Today, Delasi is a Scripture quoting evangelistic young woman already recognized by other believers as one who has God’s hands upon her life.
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