Results 371 to 380 of 663

English Mongolian Youth Market Research Report

In May 2014, OneHope completed market research in Mongolia in an effort to explore the values, media preferences, literacy levels of and the impact of violence on children and youth. The research…

English Mozambique Spiritual State of the World's Children Ministry Report

In October 2010, OneHope conducted a quantitative research study to identify the true daily life of teens in Mozambique. The survey included questions about family relationships, life choices, and…

English Mozambique Spiritual State of the World's Children Summary Table

In October 2010, OneHope conducted a quantitative research study to identify the true daily life of teens in Mozambique. The survey included questions about family relationships, life choices and…

English My Story How To Demonstration Video

The My Story "How To" Demonstration Video was designed to help ministries and churches throughout Europe to create their own videos for use in the MyStory program for their region.

English My Story How To Guide

This guide was designed to help ministries and churches throughout Europe to create their own videos for use in the MyStory program for their region.

English Namibia Spiritual State of the World's Children Ministry Report

In October 2008, OneHope conducted a quantitative research study to identify the true daily life of teens in Namibia. The survey included questions about family relationships, life choices, and faith.…

English Namibia Spiritual State of the World's Children Summary Table

In October 2008, OneHope conducted a quantitative research study to identify the true daily life of teens in Namibia. The survey included questions about family relationships, life choices and faith.…

English National Network of Youth Ministries Market Research Report

In 2011, OneHope conducted an online survey of the National Network of Youth Ministries (NNYM). The survey results revealed that the most common denominations represented included Baptist (27%),…

English National Network of Youth Ministries Market Research Report Supplement

In 2011, OneHope completed an online survey report supplement of the National Network of Youth Ministries (NNYM). Key findings included that youth workers who reported that the NNYM was…

English Native American Testimony Films – Alicia

The Native American Testimony Film: Alicia's Testimony was created by OneHope as part of the Native American Program. Alicia grew up on several reservations and in a strong Christian household. But…

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